Shock Therapy

Shock Therapy

Available on the 28th November, 2023

SHOCK THERAPY is published by Troubador in November 2023. A contemporary spy thriller, it is rooted in reality. Henry Bradbury´s life is in free fall. His marriage has failed, he’s about to lose his City job, and he now finds himself dangerously out of his depth as an unlikely agent of the British intelligence services. His therapist, Dr Nea Solomon, is the only person he can trust, and the time has come to share his biggest secret. Henry’s confession of spying on Russians in London doesn’t get the reaction he expects, and a chain of events leads to murder…

The sequel, THE BEIJING BOOK CLUB, will take Henry and Nea on a mission to the East, an unlikely but effective team of most deniable British agents.

Blair is also collaborating on a guidebook with a fellow traveller, David Ludlow. SPY CITIES, TWELVE HOTBEDS OF ESPIONAGE TO EXPLORE BEFORE YOU FADE TO GREY will be published in 2024. A city-by-city guide to top spy locations, real and fictional, it will include walks, spy hotels, restaurants, bars and readers will encounter a fine collection of fascinating characters from the shadow world. London, Berlin, Moscow, Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Brussels, Vienna, Istanbul, Washington DC, New York and Tokyo have been researched in detail, with some unknown sites uncovered. Alongside Top Ten spy guides to train and sea journeys, out of the way hidden gems and film/TV locations, this practical guide will be a must for spy and thriller buffs.

Available as a Paperback